Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Training Tuesdays: Week 4 on the Road of "I can do better!"

Four weeks ago I got back from vacation and I sorted through the pictures. As I looked at them I thought, while I have been doing ok with the whole healthy getting in shape route I have pursued, I could do better. It was the kick in the butt I needed.

Last fall I had registered for the Rock n Roll Philly Half Marathon. The race this year is in mid-September. Instead of starting training at the end of June (12 weeks from race day), I decided to start at the beginning of May with the C25K training program. This program will dovetail nicely into my normal half marathon training and get me where I need to be providing a solid foundation for the 12-week program.

This week begins week 4 of my foundation training and it is going well, except the weather. Here on the mid-Atlantic, we have had the soggiest May ever. Rain, Rain and more Rain. Somewhere in the last several weeks, I became a runner who would get out there in light sprinkles to get a run done.

Additionally, each week I have added a new component to my training program. Week 2 was stretching/yoga. Week 3 was strength training. Week 4 as the C25K program kicks it up a notch with more running than walking it will be focusing on listening to my body as I run, strength train and stretch. Next week will focus on fuel, how the food I eat affects my training and make tweaks to  what is on the menu.
I chuckled when I came across the quote from Tony Robbins I used for the Quotable Monday post this week: "The path to success is to take massive determined action." That is exactly what I am doing in a slightly measure way. My goal is to be strong (mentally/physically) and healthy. I am not going to focus on the scale or a weight goal. That will only provide a distraction and frustration.

Weekly training log: Weeks 1 - 3


W1D1 C2k5


W1D3 C2k5
w2D1 c25k

W2D2 C25k
W2D3 C25k
W3D1 C25k
St Training
W3D2 C25k
St Training
W3 D3 C25K

Feeling stronger each day!

Quotable Monday: Success

"The path to success is to take massive determined action."

-Tony Robbins