As I posted on a Facebook status earlier in the week before
a Nor’easter hit the east coast, “More snow….sigh. Not that I am a snow downer,
I actually like snow. It is just that I grew up with it always being up in the
mountains and we could visit it, not live in it.
As the storm hit there were the normal news reports all
about the snow. About midway through the reporting day when the talk of snow no
longer seemed novel, the stories than turned to how all the snow was going to
impact Valentine’s day. More like how it was going to affect sales of
Valentine’s related items. Sigh, got love our capitalistic culture. One reporter
while interviewing one man, asked him if he had his valentine’s day shopping
already done? and the man replied that he was single with no one to shop for…
and then there was an awkward moment of silence before the reporter changed the
topic back to the snow.
Ah the joys of being
a singleton around certain days, namely Valentine’s Day and New Year’s eve.
A well-meaning acquaintance asked me, as we waited for the
metro train, what I was going to do tonight since it was Valentine’s day and I
was single. I took a slight breath, smiled and said I am doing what everyone
else is doing, I am enjoying the evening, picking up flowers, having a nice
dinner and opening up a little special gift. She said “Oh, so you are dating
someone?” I said “No, but there is no reason I have to sit this holiday out, I
can be my own Valentine!” I smiled as the metro train pulled to a stop. Where
we were happened to be standing was between two train cars, as she turned to
head to the car that stopped ahead of us, I turned on my heel and walked to the
one that stopped behind us.
It is probably the change of perspective I needed for a long
time. I am working on this “love thy self” stuff or what it really is the “trying
not to be so hard on myself.” So heading into this Valentine’s day the only
storm clouds that darkened my world were the ones that left several inches of
snow. In case you are curious, yes I did buy a new fabulous lipstick and lip
gloss, not because I was in a bad mood or needed a “happy” heading into the
holiday. I bought them simply because they were fabulous.